Serious Traffic Offense

Many are under the false impression that traffic crimes are minor offenses; however, these types of crimes can carry misdemeanor or even felony penalties depending on the crime. Most of these problems cannot be solved simply by paying a fine in traffic court.

More serious traffic violations will require the expertise of a defense attorney well-versed in these offenses. Some of the most common and most serious types of traffic crimes in Utah include the following:

  • Automobile Homicide
  • Reckless Driving
  • Property Damage from an Accident
  • Impaired Driving

These are just a few serious traffic crimes which could result in heavy fines or imprisonment, but many other offenses carry similar consequences. If you have been charged with any of these crimes, you need an attorney fighting on your behalf.

Salt Lake City Traffic Crimes Defense Attorney

Traffic crime charges can be intimidating and require careful analysis to determine the best legal options for the circumstances. Susanne Gustin has the experience to analyze your case and weigh the pros and cons.

Whatever the circumstances of your case, Susanne Gustin is prepared to work with you towards a solution. If you currently face traffic crime allegations, call Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law at 801-243-2814 for a free consultation. Clients from Salt Lake County, Davis County, West Valley City, Layton, and surrounding areas are welcome.

Traffic Crimes Information Center

  • Traffic Crimes Defined
  • Penalties for Traffic Crimes
  • Utah’s Point System
  • Traffic Crime Resources

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Traffic Crimes Defined

Automobile Homicide– §76-5-207

An actor is guilty of automobile homicide when he or she operates a motor vehicle in a negligent manner causing the death of another.

Reckless Driving- §41-6a-528

Reckless driving results when a person willfully or wantonly disregards the safety of a person or property; or when he commits three or more consecutive traffic violations within a continuous period of driving covering three miles or less in distance.

Accident involving property damage-§41-6a-401

Utah law requires an operator of a vehicle to remain at the scene of an accident until he has provided his name, address, vehicle registration number, and insurance information to the other operator.

Impaired Driving– §41-6a-502

Utah prohibits an individual from operating or having physical control of a vehicle if:

  • He has a blood alcohol content of .08 or greater at the time of a chemical test;
  • Is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any combination rendering him incapable of safely operating a vehicle; or
  • Has a blood alcohol content of .08 or greater at the time of operation or physical control of the vehicle.

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Penalties for Traffic Crimes

Automobile homicide is a typically a third-degree felony punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and/or $5,000 in fines. For an actor with prior convictions, this offense is a second degree felony punishable by a maximum of 15 years in prison and/or $10,000 in fees.

Reckless driving is a Class B Misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of six months in jail and/or $1,000 in fines.

Accidents involving property damage is a Class B Misdemeanor punishable by up to six months jail time and up to $1,000 in fines.

Impaired driving is punishable by jail time, fines, and loss of driver’s license depending on the specific circumstances.

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Utah’s Point System

Utah’s Department of Motor Vehicles, provides a point system for drivers in the state. This point system is designed to monitor a driver’s track record, deducting points for each infraction.

For drivers 21 and over, once a person reaches 200 points in traffic convictions within a three-year period, he must appear at a hearing to keep his driver’s license. He may also be put on probation or have the driver’s license suspended or revoked.

For drivers under 21, the threshold is much lower. Once a young driver reaches 70 points, he or she must attend a hearing to keep his or her driver’s license. Suspension and revocation of a driver’s license are also a possibility.

Utah’s Point List

  • Speeding= 35 to 75 pt.
  • Miscellaneous moving violations- 40 pt.
  • Negligent Collision- 50 pt.
  • Improper Passing- 50 pt.
  • Improper Lookout- 50 pt.
  • Stop Sign- 50 pt.
  • Red Light- 50 pt.
  • Wrong Way on One-Way Street – 60 pt.
  • Wrong Side of Road – 60 pt.
  • Following too closely (tailgating) – 60 pt.
  • Failure to Yield Right-of-Way – 60 pt.
  • Reckless Driving – 80 pt.

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Traffic Crime Resources

Salt Lake City Traffic Courts– This site provides access to online traffic schools, information on Utah’s point system, and defensive driving courses.

MADD– This national organization is geared towards fighting against drunk driving and supporting victims of these crimes.

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Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law Salt Lake County Traffic Crime Attorney

At Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law, Susanne Gustin will work with you to help you through these difficult times. She is willing to listen to your case and guide you towards a solution. Call Susanne Gustin, Attorney at Law at 801-243-2814 for your free consultation.

Susanne Gustin represents clients located in Salt Lake County, Davis County, South Jordan, Riverton, Cottonwood Heights, Clearfield, and surrounding areas.

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